Erica and Warren


One day it dawned on Warren and Erica that if they wanted to see the world, they needed to do it now. However, by owning their own construction company, it was difficult to step away and being available at all hours was always required. It was then that they made a big decision that changed their lives, by leaving everything behind and setting sail on open waters. This was just the start of the adventure the two would go on in their quest to continually experience new areas of the world. Hailing from the mountains of Colorado, Warren and Erica of WeSail have set out on a journey to see every corner of the world that most will never get to see firsthand. From wide stretches of empty ocean surrounding the French Polynesian Islands in the Pacific Ocean to the remote Guna Yala Islands off the coast of Panama, Warren and Erica have strived to not only see the wonders of the world, but truly experience them as well. Motivated by a desire to learn self-reliance and be fully independent, the duo set out on their adventure hoping to better themselves and their relationship with the world around them.

These experiences are the heart of the WeSail journey that Erica and Warren are on. By experiencing the world firsthand and learning about its relationship with people using a sailboat, Erica and Warren have allowed others to share in their experience through social media platforms. Daily engagement with their followers across platforms like YouTube and Instagram, however, requires reliable energy as much as the boat that Erica and Warren use to navigate the seas and oceans. We spoke to the founders of WeSail about their experiences with both lead-acid batteries and lithium batteries and how the latter has fueled their journey to date.

WeSail 12V InSight Lithium Battery Power System

Warren and Erica’s Marine Power System

Warren and Erica’s Fountain Fountaine 2015 Pajot Helia 44 boat is powered with the RELiON InSight 120Ah battery, which gives them all the power they need to feed energy to lights, refrigerators, appliances and power inverters.

Why Warren and Erica Switched to Lithium Batteries

“There are many reasons that motivated us to switch to lithium, and top amongst those reasons was a desire to power our boat with an eye towards sustainability and living by a green standard that was more considerate of the environment. Additionally, lithium batteries, especially compared to lead-acid batteries, offer more flexible energy use with much longer lasting power.”

Why Warren and Erica Chose RELiON Lithium Over Other Brands

“When it came to choosing which company to work with for a lithium battery, we knew we wanted a well-known and reliable name in the industry that had already proven their merits. We also loved that RELiON was sincerely concerned with sustainability. When we spoke to RELiON about what we were looking for, they let us know about their robust sustainability initiatives, and we could see that they cared about these issues as much as we did, which was important for us.”

WeSail Catamaran

How Warren and Erica’s Lithium System Helped Them Challenge Their Limit

“We wanted to not only explore the world, but to be energy conscious while doing so, which meant that we needed to focus on how often we started our boat. Lithium batteries allowed for the dive compressor on the boat to be used with the battery without having to rely on starting the boat every time this was needed. What this has done for us is free up our time and allow us to not be so focused on constraints that come from having to constantly think about battery life. Now we have the flexibility to instead focus on other things that matter like maximizing our time in each destination we visit and being in tune with our sustainability goals, all while no longer needing to rely as heavily on fossil fuels. Overall, our RELiON lithium battery has allowed us to push our limits by giving us the flexibility we need to further our explorations without the constant limitations that a lead-acid battery placed on us.”

Advice for People Considering Switching to Lithium Batteries For Their Sail Boat

“Once we made the switch from lead-acid to lithium, we saw what a great choice it really was for us. Not only does the lithium battery take up less space, but it can be used up to 80% to 100% of capacity, which was not possible with our previous lead-acid batteries. Where the lead-acid battery limited us, the lithium battery offers us more flexibility, less stress and takes less planning to use. Lithium batteries have helped us with energy efficiency and self-reliance, all while allowing us to meet our sustainability goals, none of which would have been possible if we went with a lead-acid battery. You will not regret choosing lithium batteries, as they are completely worth the investment.”